Event Info & Rules
Gate Entry Fees:
13+ = $15.00 per person 6-12 = $10.00 per person 5 & Under = Free
Race Day Schedule:
Peewee Bike Registration 7:15am – 7:45am
Peewee Bike Race (30 mins) 8:00am – 8:30am
Mini Quad Registration 7:15am – 8:30am
Mini Quad Race (30 mins) 8:45am – 9:15am
Youth Bike Registration 7:15am – 9:30am
Youth Bike Race (45 mins) 9:45am – 10:30am
Peewee Bike & Mini Quad Podium Awards after Youth Bike Start
Youth Quad Registration 7:15am – 10:30am
Youth Quad Race (45 mins) 10:45am – 11:30am
Adult Bike Registration 7:15am – 12:00pm
Adult Bike Race (2 hours) 12:30pm – 2:30pm
Youth Bike & Quad Podium Awards after Adult Bike Start
Adult Quad Registration 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Adult Quad Race (1 1/2 hours) 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Adult Bike Podium Awards after Adult Quad Start
Adult Quad Podium Awards after conclusion of race
Strider & Stacyc Race – Approx 4:00pm on Starting Line
At Select Events:
Pit Bike Race (30 mins) – Approx 5:30pm
Moto Mom Race (20mins) – Approx 6:15pm
Please keep in mind these start times are approximates, we do our very best to keep our events on time but sometimes mother nature leaves us not so favorable track conditions that may cause minor delays.
General Event Rules:
- **Absolutely No Spectator or Pit Riding Permitted** – special arrangements can be made for the elderly or disabled just check with one of our staff members @ the registration trailer upon arrival.
- On race day, once Riders are registered for the race you will only be able to ride your machine from your pits to the starting area only. You may not exceed 1st gear idle and you must always wear a helmet. Once your race is over you must park your machine @ your pit area. Any racer or spectator caught pit riding before or after their event can & will be penalized. These rules are not just for the pits & parking areas; they also apply to the ENTIRE event property and this also includes the day before our events if you are camping with us for the weekend.
- Riders are responsible for the actions of their entire pit crew, family or friends during our events. Any unnecessary trouble: arguing, verbal threats, physical contact, fighting, etc… caused by these individuals can put the rider at risk for penalties, disqualification and possibility of being banned from future events.
- WEXCR does not provide medical insurance for competitors, and we urge you not to compete without it. Medical insurance is the sole responsibility of each competitor.
- WEXCR is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged personal property of any kind during our events.
- Anyone caught destroying or theft of property owned or maintained by WEXCR or its land owners will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and will be banned from all future events.
- Anyone caught modifying or removing the race course markings (example: arrows, tape, banners or log barriers) before or during any race event will be immediately removed from the property and banned from all future events.
- We welcome you to bring your Pets along to our events but they must be on a leash or restrained at all times.
- All trash is to be placed in the trash cans available in various locations around the track. Trash bags will also be provided at the gate for you to use around your pit area, if you need more please check with a staff member @ the registration trailer. Please pick up all your trash and drop it off in dump trailer located near the gates or use the “Pack it in & Pack it out” method. We all need to work together to help keep the facilities clean and the landowners happy so they will welcome us back for future events.
- NO GLASS BOTTLES or containers will be permitted at any of our events.
- No Refunds on Gate Fees period.
- Inclement Weather: Events may be conducted regardless of weather conditions. In the event of rain or other unfavorable conditions, it may be necessary to alter the times on our event schedule, including but not limited to, adjusting the length of the race or delaying or stopping the program completely. Should a delay occur, every effort will be made to resume the schedule in a timely fashion if conditions significantly improve.
- WEXCR may at anytime add, change or modify any rules or provisions.
- Be safe, responsible, courteous, respect our rules and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!
- Every Rider must have a DOT approved full faced helmet, goggles, gloves, long sleeve shirt, pants and riding boots that cover your ankles.
- All machines must have a working kill switch for bikes and ATV’s must have working tether type kill switchs. (We will be checking, no working tether kill switch = no racing)
- Peewee/Youth Riders must be large enough and mature enough to control their machine and ride it safely.
- The machine which the rider leaves the starting line on is the official machine of the rider and they may not switch machines during the event.
- The promoter may disqualify any machine that does not conform to the rules or is deemed unsafe to be on race course. They may inspect any part of a machine entered into an event at any time before, during or after an event. A rider refusing inspection is automatically disqualified from the event.
Rider Registration Process
- We don’t require any membership dues/cards or AMA cards
- All riders must bring their helmets to the registration trailer for signups at every event!
- You must have your armband from the gate entry visible in order to register for your race, no armband = no registration.
- All participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when signing up so they can sign the minor release forms. If no parent or legal guardian is with you at the track, you must have a notarized statement from a parent giving permission for another legal adult to sign for you and seek medical care for the rider if necessary. Minor releases forms must be filled out and attached to signup form at every event. Click here to download a copy of the minor release form!
- Riders will receive 2 numbered bar codes designating your race number and a class colored helmet tag upon registration. Place the numbered bar code on the lower left & right side of the helmet and place the colored helmet tag on the back of the helmet.
- Riders will also be required to have a transponder which is used to record your laps and laps times when you come through the finish area. Our transponders are the stick on type which is placed on the back side of your helmet. The transponders are a one time cost of $10.00, sorry we can’t rent them out per race. It will be a one time purchase and as long as you don’t damage it, lose it or switch helmets, you should be good to go for quite a while. If you already have one of these stick on style transponders from any other series, you are good to go as long as it passes the read test at registration. Also there is no “annual renewal/programming fee” with us!
Rider Registration Fees:
Pro Classes = $45
Adult Amateurs = $35
Youth Classes = $30
Peewee Classes = $25
Pit Bike Classes = $25
Moto Mom Class = $25
For a listing of classes click here
Starting Procedure:
- When you arrive at the start area you shall line up on your assigned starting row on a first come basis, starting rows are determined by the signs at the edge of each row, see below for starting row lines numbers.
- Starting practice or warm up riding in the start chute or near the starting area is strictly prohibited, you are allowed to ride your machine from your pits directly to your assigned start row only. Riders will be penalized for disobeying this rule!
- A race official will come around to check each racer for bar codes, proper row location and ATV’s will be checked for tether cords. If you don’t have a working tether cord installed & hooked to your body you will be pulled from the starting line.
- All starts are dead engine with the exception to the peewee bike and mini-quad classes.
- The blue flag will signal all riders to shut off your engines, shortly after the blue flag is thrown the starter will give the famous “10 seconds” yell, within that 10 second period the green flag will be thrown signaling the start of the race for that row. The procedure will repeat for each row, which will be released at 30 second intervals.
- At the “10 seconds” yell, all crew members must be behind the racers and may have no physical contact with a racer or their machine until after the green flag is thrown.
- Any rider caught starting their machine before the green flag is thrown or taking off on the wrong row will be penalized a minimum of one lap. At scoring time, the rider’s FIRST lap will be removed and their place recalculated. A rider who starts on the wrong row and only finishes one lap will have their score placed so as to be last in their class 1 minute behind the next rider.
Track Regulations:
- There will be no pre-riding of the course or event property 5 days prior to the race day event. Riders caught will subject to disqualification and could be banned from future events.
- Riders & spectators may walk, bicycle or E-bike the course **after 12pm** on the day before their racing event.
- No one except course officials may be riding on any portion of the race course during the race day.
- Riders must remain on the marked course, which is within 25 feet of the posted race arrows, unless you are in a area that is marked with course tape which acts as a barrier and the 25′ rule doesn’t apply to taped areas.
- Anytime double arrows are posted on both sides of the course, riders must stay between these posted double arrows, typically these are found in field sections or other open road areas.
- Riders may not cut to the inside of a PVC pole markers with orange strips which are corner markers in field/grass track sections, you must go to the outside of these poles.
- Course tape, banners, staked markings and wrong way arrows, etc. always represent the limit of the course. Tearing down or riding through course tape, banners or past wrong way markings can cause serious event problems, and course mistakes by other riders. Riders must exercise the proper speed, and control at all times to avoid damaging any of these markings. Damage to, or passing through such course markings and proceeding past wrong way arrows will result in penalties. If a rider is off the course, intentionally or tearing down or riding through a taped area of the course in order to reenter the course, the rider is in violation of the rules regarding reentering the course and carries penalties up to disqualification. Minimum penalty is two laps deleted for cutting the course!
- Riders encountering a traffic jam or “bottleneck” may go more than 25 feet off the course to get around the bottleneck only, unless the area is marked off with course tape or “W” wrong way arrows are posted. However, the rider must re-enter the course as soon as possible, and upon approaching this section the next lap, you must ride the original marked section of the track if clear, unless a track official has created a mandatory bypass for the section. A “bottleneck” is a section of the track that becomes impassable for any reason.
- Slower riders are required to allow faster riders to pass. The slower rider should move to the right when possible to allow passers on the left. The slower rider must take the first opportunity to allow the faster rider to pass.
- If a rider must leave the course for any reason then they must return in the exact location where they exited.
- Towing is not allowed by anyone other than a race officials. Racers whose disabled vehicles are towed back to the pit area by race officials, for any reason, are not eligible to return to competition. Any laps earned by a racer that returns to competition after receiving a tow back to the pit area will be removed. If a racer desires to repair their machine and return to the competition, they must decline the offer to tow their vehicle back to the pit area. This rule does not apply to racers towed only a short distance in order to dislodge the vehicle from a track obstacle (i.e., mud pit, deep rut, ravine, etc.).
- If your machine breaks down, if possible please move your machine to the side of the track and you must stay with your machine on the side of the track. Do not attempt to “shortcut” your way back to the pits on your own, keep yourself and your machine on the side of the track until our officials can tow you back in. We know its disappointing to break down and it may feel like forever but please be patient and a track official will be by soon to tow you in. Our crew cannot tow out a machine without a rider with it.
- Once the checkered flag is thrown, our Sweep Crew will check the course to make sure all riders and machines are retrieved. If you are still missing a rider after a reasonable amount of time after the race is over, please notify the registration or track crew.
- At no time may a rider change machines during an event. If a rider’s original machine becomes inoperable, the rider MAY NOT return to the course to another machine and ride for “practice/seat time” or any other reason.
- Riders can be pitted anywhere on the course except in or near the beginning and end of the Scoring Zone/Finish Line area.
- No rider may ride in such a manner as to endanger life or limb of other riders, officials or the public. Riders will be penalized for the reckless operation of their machine, including but not limited to the deliberate ramming, blocking or intentional contact with another rider, disobeying a race official, or any other unsportsmanlike conduct.
- The events will be scored by our Transponder system along with the reading of bar codes on helmets and handwritten score sheets as a backup.
- When you enter into the Scoring Zone area designated by 2 bright orange signs, remember this is a no passing zone. You must come into scoring tent area at a slow 1st gear idle speed in an orderly single file fashion and almost come to a complete stop briefly under the tent so officials can document your race number. Coming through the scoring tent wheel to wheel is not allowed, you must make sure you leave at least one bike length between yourself and the racer in front of you in order to get scored properly.
- Any rider coming into scoring tent too fast will be warned and if not improved on the next lap the rider will be red flagged and be held for 1 minute as a penalty. This could also lead to you losing a lap due to speeding thru the scoring zone and the transponder not picking up. This rule also applies to exiting the scoring tent area; you must do so in a slow controlled manner until you reach the bright green signs, then you can resume race speed. Any rider that hits or intentionally roosts a scoring official will also be penalized.
- 10’ before the scoring tent you will pass under the transponder tower and you will hear an audible beep which means your transponder has recorded your time if you don’t hear the beep the scoring zone worker will stop you and manually input your bar code# from your helmet. Don’t yell at the scoring officials or rev up your machine as this will not get you out any quicker and it could possibly jeopardize your results.
- A rider may get mechanical assistance on the track from their pit crew or spectators, although they must cross the finish line under the machines own power or by the rider only pushing the machine. If you are towed by a track official, another racer or spectator at any point that lap will not count.
- Scores displayed on the Monitors during the race are “unofficial”. Scores at race time may be adjusted prior to posting due to errors in signup, disqualifications, penalty assessments, etc. and it is each rider’s responsibility to check their final score on the official posted results.
- No one other than staff members are permitted in the scoring zone during a race. Please don’t disturb the scoring staff as they need to stay focused on the racers coming through the finish area. If you have a question please see one of our staff members at the registration trailer.
Class Points
Class & Overall points will be distributed as follows:
Points | Place | Points | Place | |
25 | 1st | 10 | 11th | |
23 | 2nd | 9 | 12th | |
21 | 3rd | 8 | 13th | |
19 | 4th | 7 | 14th | |
17 | 5th | 6 | 15th | |
15 | 6th | 5 | 16th | |
14 | 7th | 4 | 17th | |
13 | 8th | 3 | 18th | |
12 | 9th | 2 | 19th | |
11 | 10th | 1 | 20th |
Results & Awards
Results can not be calculated until every rider is off of the track, or 45 min’s after checkered is thrown, whichever comes first. If you are in the group of rider first off the track please be patient for the results to be posted.
Our computer system will highlight “unreasonable” short laps and each lap will be reviewed by scoring officials. This could also lead to the “unreasonable” short lap being deleted and the rider being penalized for such lap. So make sure that you are paying attention by staying on the proper course and follow the arrows designated for your race division.
No one other than officials are permitted in the registration trailer at any time before or after the event. Under no circumstances will any interference with results officials be tolerated. If you have a question or a protest it must be presented to the officials at the registration trailer rear window.
Once results are posted you have 20 min’s to report any problems or protests, please make sure to report any issues or concerns on race day at the track. Don’t wait until you get home and email us about it once results have been posted online. After 20 min’s of posting at the track, all results are considered final and awards will be presented!
Class Plaques are guaranteed to the top 3 places in each class, then 1 per every 5 riders afterwards (example: 8 riders = place to 4th; 13 riders = place to 5th place; 18 riders = place to 6th; 23 riders = place to 7th, etc.) To win an award, a rider must complete 50% of the laps of the class winner.
We also have special awards for each division overall winners as well as top amateur overall awards for the adult bike & quad divisions.
You the rider are responsible for checking your results & picking up awards & potential cash prizes before you leave the track on race day.
2024 Season Championship Qualifications:
All divisions (except Pitbike/Motomoms) will have a 10 round points race series for the 2024 Season. To be eligible for the season ending Championship Trophy and Prizes, you must race at least 8 of the 10 races in the same class and same division and complete at least 1 lap. DNF’s and DNS’s do not count towards the required 8 races for a championship. Class championships will be determined by the rider’s best 8 event finishes. So you will have 2 throw away races for 2024!
Ties for year end class championships or other class positions will be broken by the most first place finishes, then by the most second place finishes, then by the most third place finishes, etc., until the tie is broken.**
Please take notice if you move, change or are advanced by WEXCR to another class you do not get to take your current points or the number of races you have raced with you to the new class. So please choose your appropriate class as you could cost yourself a championship if you move or change during the race season.
revised 2-24-24