Hurricane Helene Relief Donations Needed!

Tim W | 07 October 2024 | Site News | |    

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“I’m sure by now many of you have heard about the major devastation left from the flooding after Hurricane Helene rolled thru western NC & TN last month. I have been following alot of it thru social media avenues and it just blows my mind how bad it really is there and to see and hear of some of the things that are going on and not going on to help that area. I don’t want to get too political but those folks down there need help and its going to take alot of help from “We The People” to get it done! Its definitely not going to be an easy task and it is going to take a very very long time to get people rescued and get infrastructure rebuilt down in those areas so they can return to somewhat of a normal life.

Early Saturday morning, I ran across a post on Facebook that Seth Linscott from L&W Distributing/Wamco has been taking some of his trucks and hauling supplies down there and I thought that was totally awesome! I dug alittle deeper and found the organization that he has been dropping off supplies to, Hurricane Helene Airlift Relief After watching this video that was posted from one of the leaders of the organization, it really hit me hard how bad it really is! I encourage you to take about 12 mins or so to watch it. After that video, I decided that I want to do something to help out so I contacted Seth and we chatted for a while and we came up with a plan to have one of his trucks sitting outside the gate during our season finale at Reno Raceway this coming Sunday the 13th. This will serve as a supply donation drop off point for not only our racers & spectators attending the race but it will also be open to the public if anyone wants to help donate supplies listed on the sheet below. Together we can make a difference and if you can help with any of the items below I can guarantee you someone in that area will greatly appreciate it during there time in need! Help us share this page with all your friends and families and lets fill this truck up next Sunday the 13th!!

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Hurrican Helene Relief